This is my current daily at home workout. I will increase or decrease reps as I get stronger or as I deal with my bodies physical limits. I am writing this because I put this together myself when I couldn't find what I wanted in an easy to follow format. I use a resistance band, stability ball, 5 pound weights, thigh toner, and yoga mats. I wanted the benefit of several different kinds of workouts to make things more interesting so I would stay interested and work as much out as I could in the time frame I need. The workout takes me about 30 minutes to complete. It varies depending on how much interference I get from kids and pets. Keep in mind all of my movements are centered around keeping my back and knee pain and my hernia under control at all times.
I set up all of my stuff before I get started so I'm not running around getting the next thing I need. I set up my two yoga mats stacked on top of each other to be nice to my knees on the floor. I make sure everything else is to the side but within two steps for ease to transition.
I start with a 3 minute wall sit. I stand about 16 inches away from a wall then sit back with my knees between 90 and 110 degree angle depending again on my knee pain level on that day. Keeping my back straight and my arms against the wall. I have a kitchen timer to let me know when I'm done.
Keeping with the leg work I move onto the resistance band. Mine is just a flat band and I hold one end in each hand at chest height very tightly. Bending over to let the band touch the floor I put my foot into the band just about centered on my foot. I stand back up and start bending and straightening my leg almost in a stomping motion. Keep your core muscles flexed to help with balancing on the other foot. I do 30 reps for each leg.
Moving onto the stability ball. First, sitting on the ball I use my thigh toner (basically a thigh master) and do 5 sets of 10 reps. Feet about 6 inches apart with the toner about mid thigh just squeeze it closed. I also just the toner to work my chest. Still seated on the ball with the loops of the toner pointed towards me I squeeze it closed with my hands at chest level 10 times. I then flip the toner so the spring is pointed towards my body and squeeze 10 times. I do this rotation 3 times.
Now I move my ball so it is at the top of my mat and sit and roll so that I am laying on my back and the ball is around the middle of my back. With my hands on my hips I bend my knees taking my butt towards the floor in a squat. I can’t do standing squats because of my knees. I do 30 reps of my stability ball squats. Still on the ball I roll the ball to my lower back for crunches. With my hands together in a ball I lift my body into a ½ seated position. I am up to 30 reps of this. I am slow to increase the reps on this exercise because of my hernia repair. Moving the ball to the end of the mat I roll out on my stomach facing the floor until the ball is about at my hips. In a modified pushup position. Here I do 15 pushups with my hands under my shoulders. Then moving my hands closer together, making a triangle with my fingers and thumbs, I do 15 more pushups. These two styles work different muscle groups in your arms. Then rolling out more on the ball so that it is now on my thighs I do 20 shoulder presses. This looks way harder than it is. Pushing your weight up and over your shoulders like you would to do a handstand, roll the ball down your legs by pulling your butt into the air until the ball is on your shins. It looks like you are making a triangle with your body. I do this 20 times.
Keeping with the arm work I grab my 5 pound weights and lay back down on my ball. With the ball back in the middle of my back I do 20 chest fly reps. This is basically opening and closing your arms like a book over your chest. I keep my elbows slightly bent as to not over stress my joints. Moving the ball to the side I move on to a few more movements with the weights. Standing over the mat knees slightly bent and feet together I bend over looking at the floor and do 20 more chest flys in this position. This time the movement works more of your back muscles. Staying in this position I do 20 tricep kickbacks. Starting with your arms bent elbows back so the weights are basically in your arm pits extend your arms towards your back. Now onto bicep curls, the easy one. Standing straight with your shoulders back and your arms at your side lift the weights up to your shoulders and release them back to your sides, but don't let your elbows fully straighten again that is to prevent joint stress. My last big arm focused move is off the edge of my couch. I do 30 tricep dips. Place your feet about 2 feet away from your couch or however much room you need to fit your butt between the couch and your feet. Pick yourself up and hang over the edge and bend your elbows moving yourself up and down like a backward push up. I take a breaks as needed as long as I get the 30 reps I want.
Back to the mat for the rest of the workout now with no extras. First I start with some yoga bridges. Lay on your back knees bent and all you do is pick your butt up lift it as high as you can and squeeze at the top of your movement. I do 30 reps of this movement. Flipping over onto my hands and knees with hands under shoulders and knees under hips it's cat/cow time. You cat by bowing your back by drawing in your hips inward and pushing up through your shoulders, so you look like a cat. You cow by basically doing the opposite. Push your hips out and your back and belly down, so you look like a sad cow. I do this 3 times counting each rep on the cow. Then I do 10 donkey kicks. This is exactly what is sounds like kick your leg out behind you to a full extension with your toe pointed and then bring it back in. After the 10th rep I hold a bird dog for that leg. You do this by extending the opposite arm of the leg you were kicking and hold both of them in the extended position with the other arm and leg still on the ground. I guess you are supposed to look like some kind of pointer hunting dog. Do the same thing starting with the donkey kicks for the other leg moving to the bird dog for that leg on the 10th extension. Then start the whole thing over at the cat/cow and do it all 3 times so you get 30 reps of the donkey kicks.
To finish out the workout I do some stretching. I start with a pigeon position. This is basically a ½ side split. The leg in front is bent and the back leg is fully extended. Use your arms to hold your body up in a comfortable position. I do this for 20 seconds each side. Move to a seated straddle position with pointed toes reach both hands to one side towards your pointed toes and face your ear towards your leg stay here for 20 seconds then flex your toe and do the same thing. Do each side and the center with both pointed and flexed toes. In the center reach as far as you can or put your elbows on the floor. Then I do a butterfly by putting my feet together in front of my body letting my knees go down as far as they can don't push them too hard and DO NOT FLAP your legs I know it's called the butterfly but it's bad for all that connective tissue in your knees to flap. I hold all my stretches for 20 seconds each and I do the whole set starting with the pigeon 2 times. At the end I stand up and reach my hands up and as far back as they will go just because it feels nice.
Like I said this whole thing takes me about 20 to 30 minutes to do. I am also trying to get back into walking 1 to 2 miles every night with Gavin as well. We are making the kids go with us for at least ½ a mile each day. I'm really happy with this workout I put together. It’s about the longest amount of time at once I can get the kids to let me do something quietly, so I needed it to do a lot in a little time and I feel like this for sure does that. Maybe it will be useful to someone else as well.
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