I am sorry if this is repetitive or rambling. It has been a really long time since I wrote anything is this was emotional for me.
I am writing this
for therapeutic purposes I need to get it out I can't carry this
anymore. I am an “autism mom” though I really don't like that
term. I am a mom of a child with autism his diagnosis doesn't define
him much less what kind of mom I am. There has always been this
swarming thing around autism. The way people talk and argue about it.
The way people and children with ASD are treated and expected to act.
The way the media panics over the “cause” and any possible
“cure”. Mostly for me it is all the unsaid words and emotions
that have me scared silent most days. Today I am going to speak.
The day I got the
call from the doctor's office to give me the results of all the
months of repetitive testing we had waiting months to go through I
sat quietly listening to her explain to me the diagnosis. She said he
has autism and he would be considered “low to mid functioning”. I
thanked her and hung up the phone. I crumpled to the floor in tears
not really knowing what any of that meant. I just knew there was
something wrong and it would be a long hard uphill battle to help
him. In that moment I knew in my head that she was just confirming
what I already knew but it felt like a loss. He was
so little, only 3 years old. I just kept thinking of all the things
he may never be able to do. I decided right then I wouldn't let this
over take me I was done crying. I see now that was a bad idea.
Over the years Lex
was put into many different therapies and went through many different
therapists. He started in public school at 3 just a few months after
the formal diagnosis. It was shortly after this I met my husband and
soon after that I became pregnant with my third child. I was
terrified throughout the pregnancy fearing this baby would also fall
on the autism spectrum. When she was born everything was fine. Until
she was about 18 months old we took her for her wellness checkup and
some blood teats were done. One of them came back with some not so
good news. She had a high level of lead in her system. Our house was
over 100 years old and it was in our plumbing. We moved within a
week. Once Lex and Violet were out of that environment things changed
quickly for the two of them. Lex was settled into a new school that
ended up being one of the best things for him, and once Violet was 2
all the evaluations and testing started for her. Long story short she
isn't on the autism spectrum but she does have some developmental
delays probably due to the lead she had been ingesting from birth.
There is a level of guilt that comes along with knowing this that is
sometimes over whelming. I will never know for sure the amount of
damage the lead caused any of my children or who they may have been
if their tiny brains where spared the toxic levels of lead.
Jump forward to
today and what moved me to write this. I watched a PSA about the
early warning signs of autism. I caught them all and all of kids have
had everything I could give them to make sure their education is all
it can be. However, I still harbor guilt, anger, and morn the loss of
the unknown. I feel like a terrible
person. Yes I love my son more than I can say, but I also desperately
miss all the “normal” mother and son things that I will never
have. I have lately let myself slip into the fear that my son doesn't
love me. I know this isn't true and he shows me love in the ways he
knows how and can. This is my own selfish desires that make me feel
this way. Today the pain is deep. He doesn't speak to me, or anyone very much, I get no hugs or kisses when he gets off the bus.
He is 8 years old and some times he feels like a stranger, one I want
with all that I am to know. Most days I can ignore all of this and
let the hope for the future get me by, but today is not one of those
days. I try to think about all the good things. Like the fact that
all of my kids are “well behaved”. People will literally approach
us in public and tell us how good our kids are. The violent meltdowns
had pretty much stopped. He is attending mainstream 2nd
grade elective classes along with lunch and recess and is doing
great. Things could be way worse. Still there are days when the self
pity takes over. These vicious cycles of self pity and self loathing are compounded by my own anxiety and depression issues cause
more than their fair share of trouble. I don't think I am ever really
free of these things they just weigh on me in different strengths from
day to day.
So, here is my ugly
truth I morn the loss of a son I expected and didn't give birth to. I
fear that he will be stuck at his current level of functionality and
I will have to care for him for the rest of his life. It is deeply
heart breaking to me when I think that he may never meet and fall in
love with someone. I am always worried he will be bullied. I am
terrified that he will be out in public one day and someone will
misunderstand some of his actions and the police will kill. I fear
the complacent words muttered over the bodies of other children with
mental disorders, “we don't have time for this”. I will always
wonder what I am missing or how different things could be and what
that may feel like. Knowing these things about myself make me feel like a terrible person and an even worse mom. My selfishness is heavy and today I let it pull me down. Tomorrow is another day and I am hoping tomorrow I will be stronger and a balance can be maintained.
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